B ThoughtStream


The flow of thought

Saturday, March 29, 2003

OK, more thoughts on the war. Having had plenty of discussions at work about it, decided to pen a few lines. To begin with what is the purpose of the war. Was there a provocation or is it more cautionary. Kill the guy before he uses the WMD on us. Apparently they do not have any WMDs. Bush has gone to war saying there is a need to liberate the Iraqi people from the tyrant.

The way America goes about business reminds me of the movie Speed. In the movie, if the bus carrying about 10 people slows down, a bomb on board would explode. So the bus continues at a very high pace. In the process of maintaining the speed, the bus knocks over numerous cars parked on the street. God only knows how many of them were occupied and how many passengers died. Well, the point is, like a drunken elephant, americans would get to finishing of the task no matter how many innocent lives are lost.

Finding Saddam is definitely easier than finding a needle in a haystack. Instead of zeroing down on the target, American military goes about bombing every building where there could be a possibility of finding saddam and also miss many times, blowing up shopping centers and markets.

Yes, Saddam as we know from the media is evil and he is not alone. There are many other evil dictators out there. Gaddaffi in Libya, Kim in N.Korea and many others in Africa.

If Saddam has to be destroyed then this is certainly not the way. You cannot go into another country bombing and announcing capture of cities. There has to be a protocol. This gives any country a license to do what the amercans have done. I am sure it is the arrogance, arrogance due to power.

Remember. This is the same america that helped Saddam come to power. This the same america that supplied Saddam with technology for building chemical weapons. Now they go in and destroy the place. Tomorrow, somebody could take offence for America corrupting the young children of the world, airing morally loose tv programs, supplying a lot of pornographic movies and magazines, corrupting the local cultures with culturally void american trash. Yes, this qualifies America for being evil and satanic. Many in the Arab world share this feeling. That gives them enough justification for bombing Washington DC. Maybe in this case they may even get support from most UN members.
The arab world does not trust Mr Bush and his intentions. Why the sudden love and affection for Iraq when the americans turned a blind eye to the sufferings of the common Iraqi people due to the sanction imposed by the UN. Where was america when Saddam massacred the Kurds.
The bottomline is neither Bush nor his cronies care for the Iraqi people. All they care for is oil. As one of my co-workers put it. Why not. Damn it, we have to worry about oil.
Well, we have to worry about oil, as we are not able to contain our out of control lifestyles, driving gas-guzzling SUVs caring the least about the environment. Care for oil does not give you rights to invade a nation. That means America would bomb India and kill all the software engineers so that american programmers are on job back again.

I am convinced that Mr Bush and his men do not have the right intentions and in principle they have violated the rights of the Iraqi people by invading them. They sure will have to stand on trial at the World Court of Justice.


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